Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Walking Through the Sepia Tones

Hey guys, back after a loong loong time! How are you guyz! I have been travelling a lot in the interim and have got lots n lots of tales to share!

Recently I had been to a very remote village in north Karnataka (very near to my grandparents place near Bijapur). It was a 5 day trip to the wonderland as there was a function planned out by my cousin. I rented a sedan to reach out that place since it is very difficult for me to catch a state transport (I am very lazy :P).  The journey to the place was not very good as mercury was tipping ever high throughout the day (450 kms). But merely thinking of meeting cousins after a very long time and getting away from the monotonous work-life into the peaceful bliss brought altogether a different colour in me.
Narrow lanes, mud roads, small grocery stores with candles lit in it, in place of bulbs and tubes (probably electricity must have gone) and sun sinking in over the mountain – priceless! Looked like there could not be much difference between what I saw and what I expected! As I reached destination, there it was, standing proudly in front of me, the legacy of 150 years, welcoming as ever. It is built with wood, mud and stone – an eight room vintage home, perfect! My first maternal aunt still lives there and tell you what – they have jazzed up the place exactly how a traditional village home should look like, so magnificent! As I entered “home sweet home” cousins and relatives swooped in, waves and waves of merriness hitting me, easily the moment to be cherished.

Following morning after the function, I took my cammy and went to capture the best of the antiquarian. Emotions bubbling over, anxiously I went through all the narrow lanes which lined the old houses of their inmates. The first thing I noticed was the peace all over, no vehicles honking, no disturbing sounds, no yelling, just the peace, like wind blowing silently. Quietly, the village was buzzing! People buzy in their daily household activities, ladies carrying water in large pots, drying the grains in sun, preparing the traditional delicacies, men marching towards their farms, some catching the wind on their bullock-carts, gotto watch the scenes guys! It is one of the perfect ways to lead a healthy life. Next, I went to the market they gather up on Sundays. Astonishingly displaying their marketing skills, the vendors there looked like they are up to something. Interestingly, I noticed a peculiar thing that every one there was selling something different which the other didn’t had. No competition between them at all, seemed like all of the market unitedly selling the things! One of the major advantages of shopping at such locations is you get everything farm-fresh which is really healthy. As I asked them the cost, I was quiet startled. The veggies there were very cheap ranging from four rupees per kilo to maximum twelve rupees per kilogram. Greatest quality at the cheapest price, mann..who would miss out on that! Caught some great snaps which I will be sharing with you shortly.

Now the important part, what is the significance of all these? I feel living close to nature is one of the best times spent of your life.  We as humans are designed to be a part of nature and live with harmony and peace. But when living in the city, I somehow feel I am doing it all wrong! Being a part of the city-society, I am dragged into things which are not correct and absolutely intolerable. And these things happen virtually, like in a sub-conscious frame of mind. For example, sometimes I travel by bike even if it is a very short walk able distance, lots and lots of plastic usage unnecessarily, I mean there are lots n lots of options available here to spoil us and we are happy to ignore, happy to have all these options! In village there are a few options available but almost all lead you towards a healthier lifestyle unlike city. I felt this even more when I had this visit to my village. Look at it guys, healthy food, daily mandatory a long walking exercise, pollution free air and peace of mind, what else do you need J. However it is inevitable to leave city life, one of many reasons is our dependability on daily needs and sheer laziness to migrate into another world! What a pity! One more thing guys, it felt most amazing not to touch mobile for a couple of days! Peace.     

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