Friday, December 2, 2011

A Fruitful Tree - Eternal journey of me and You!

Why is that you want to be the best? Why is that you drive yourself nuts to crack that insignificant small stubborn thing? Why is that you consider the best option among all others when you know that you can cope up with a lesser one too. In simple words 'why do we push ourselves to the last toe-space at the edge of a cliff?', or "does it even matter". The question rests upon this.

Life in many ways shows different fruits at the end of its farthest twig. Mesmerizing it is to look from a distance, but equally difficult to get there and taste it. In ways many we think, to preach the best one, eying here and there. But in the quest we tend to forget that it is a journey one has to undertake, from root to the last twig until we reach the fruit "but of only just one tree". The tree grows as we grow, and strength to climb there also weakens after it peeks only for 'just one time'.

Then comes the part where we tend to look for the nearer one, slightly less appealing and think to settle down for it, crashing some of our expectations. Now this is exactly why I am talking about pushing ourselves, so that we can gatecrash the crashes anyhow we were going to face and fly high to reach that horizon. Life teaches us to "fight" and it comes down to us for making it legendary.

The secret to reach the fruit, as I see, is to choose the challenge wisely so as to which tree should we climb. Heeding on the fruit will definitely make us fall, sometimes flat on our face (that is however learning the hard way). Learning from our mistakes carves a graceful path towards the fruit given that we don't reiterate them.

Talking about "fight", be stubborn, naive, determined until you get what you want, but in ways which will yield positive! Fill your inventory, pack your arsenal and give a damn good fight. Never ever back down, never ever give up, but you should have a strong reason backing you up. A manor is judged by its base. Give everything you have, you will not falter.

Does it even matter? Of course it matters and in ways we'll never be able to understand. But when you look back as the curtain falls, you'll realize how it has rendered you, how it has altered you. It creates the difference between sky and earth, between fire and ice. You would be then surprised that the fruit tastes even sweeter than you expected it to be.

You can think or most probably you must have by now that what gibberish I am talking about, but read it once again with an irenic mind, it will make more sense.
